PaloAltoWeather.com Rooftop
Photo: November 29, 2022
RainWise Mark III-LR
Click to see this station on NWS.
Original PaloAltoWeather.com (re-creation)
Click to check out WeatherBoard!
Raspberry Shake 4D
R3C71, AM Network, Raspberry Shake, S.A.
Raspberry Boom
RE991, AM Network, Raspberry Shake, S.A.
Courtesy of Internet Archive
Raspberry Shake 3D
R24AE, AM Network, Raspberry Shake, S.A.
PurpleAir PA-II-SD
Currently three PurpleAir
snesors are deployed.
Wireless Vantage Pro2™ Plus
Additional Capabilities
24-Hr Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield
Ultrasonic Anemometer
On Board UV Sensor
On Board Radiation Sensor
Davis AirLink
RainWise Rain Gauge
8" diameter collector meets NWS specifications for statistical accuracy.
This rain gauge, in turn, has subsequently been upgraded (see below).
RainWise Industrial Rain Gauge
8.5" diameter collector.
Meets NWS specification for
statistical accuracy.
HyQuest Solutions TB3 Rain Gauge
The world standard in
tipping rain gauges.
Due to the integrated siphon,
the gauge delivers high levels
of accuracy across a broad
range of rainfall intensities.
HyQuest Solutions TB7 Rain Gauge
HyQuest Solutions’ TB7 is a high-
quality tipping bucket rain gauge
for measuring rainfall.
PurpleAir PA-II-Flex
PaloAltoWeather Computer Rack
PaloAltoWeather.com's main and secondary
servers moved from NUC 7i5 computers to
Raspberry Pi 5 8G computers. Now all of
PaloAltoWeather.com's servers are on the
Raspberry Pi 5 platform.
Note: PaloAltoWether.com web traffic is
served by a Google GCE instance.